It may seem early for these sorts of things, but when I am working I really only get to see the tree on the weekends and in the evening. This year I have a full five weeks with the tree. I almost pushed it off. Tradition strong armed us out above the clouds.
On a normally joy-filled day, in the back of my head, in my soul, I kept a secret though. It's a secret that's been building for weeks. I'm tired. I've been losing my balance. I've been having headaches. I've been craving sugar. I'm getting worried.
It's easy to pull off each symptom and think about it logically. I had a massive infection the entire month of October. I couldn't exercise, and my balance is a skill I have to hone: it's not an innate right. I've been stressed out, and I stress eat all sorts of things I shouldn't. I've been pushing myself hard to wrap up things at my old work so I've not been resting well, and I HAVEN'T been exercising.

I can't talk to D right now about these things. Each symptom promises to overwhelm him with worry. My friends have typically had two responses, "It's nothing. You shouldn't think that way," or just simply, "three week rule."
The "three week rule" is what I need to hear. "It's nothing. You shouldn't THINK that way," is why I keep secrets. Cancer doesn't care what you think about it. Positivity doesn't affect survivorship. I held my good positive friend's hand as she died from stage IV cancer. She was afraid, unprepared, lonely, and desperate. She really "thought" she could beat it, and she spent so much time not thinking about death that it took her by surprise.
I've always tried to walk the middle ground. Both options are possible, and I have to be OK with both outcomes. This isn't positive or negative thinking. It's just thinking. It's just looking at the pieces of the puzzle and seeing possibilities not certainties.
In non-cancer life, my husband and I were remodeling the bathroom. We had two options for the sink, a cheap one that looked like someone had updated an 80s plan for what a sink should be and a nice new one with clean modern lines. We really didn't have the money so the 80s-come-again sink made sense, but the one I loved was the one I loved. I told D to make the choice, because I didn't care which sink went in. Either decision was the correct one, but the correct one for a different reason.
I think about my cancers this way. They may kill me, they may not. My thinking about them has no control over the outcome. It's salt over my shoulder. I have to empty myself of those thoughts that nag and beg at me. They make me tired. Keeping secrets is hard. Both outcomes are the correct one, but they are correct for different reasons.
If you are interested in positivity and cancer, check out this article. For a thought provoking short video on the topic, check out this RSA animation.